During my work at a large bank in the Netherlands I encountered that our test environment wasn’t that stable as we wanted. Sometimes
- services had a hick-up
- app installs didn’t finish in the expected time
- testdata wasn’t correctly loaded
- and some other stuff..
To eliminate those dependencies I needed something to retry a testcase / testsuite. Because we worked with Protractor it was very hard to find a good solution, until I found protractor-flake of Nick Tomlin.
protractor-flake is a wrapper around Protractor that will read the exit code of all tests. If some tests fail, protractor-flake will read the log and retry the failed tests-files before they actually fail.
At the time I tried protractor-flake it didn’t match our needs because protractor-flake supported Jasmine / Mocha and we were using CucumberJS in combination with Protractor. But then the advantage of Open Source Software kicks in. I’ve created a feature request and the pull request was merged. Since september 2016 CucumberJS is supported by protractor-flake, hurray!
How to use
protractor-flake is easy to use. First use it as a (dev)-dependency in your project
npm install protractor-flake --save-dev
Then run it with this command from the root of you project
protractor-flake --protractor-path=/path/to/protractor --parser cucumberMulti --node-bin node --max-attempts=3 -- path/to/protractor.conf.js
See the documentation of protractor-flake for more information about how to use CucumberJS in combination with protractor-flake.
Credits go to Nick Tomlin for creating this wonderful module!
- Image created and Designed by Freepik
I intentionally failed one test case by marking ‘expect’ as ‘false’ . This is shown in console as one test case fail out of 15
Then how would able to run this failed test script
my project structure is
— Protractor Example
C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Documents\protractor-example-master\protractor-example-master>protractor conf.js
[07:21:39] I/launcher – Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[07:21:39] I/direct – Using ChromeDriver directly…
Spec started
angular app
x should add a new friend
– Expected true to be false.
√ should delete an existing friend
√ should not display non-found search terms
√ should display found search terms
√ should display no rows when all friends deleted
√ should display actual count before saving new friend
non-angular login
√ should display message for invalid credentials
√ should display message for empty credentials
√ should goto friend pages on successful login
Quality Shepherd blog
√ should display 5 posts per page
√ should return search results
√ unfound search term should return no results
switching to window 1
switching to window 0
A Jasmine spec timed out. Resetting the WebDriver Control Flow.
x should open social media link in new window
– Error: Timeout – Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
√ sidebar should have a set width
√ should find an older post by paging
* Failures *
1) angular app should add a new friend
– Expected true to be false.
2) Quality Shepherd blog should open social media link in new window
– Error: Timeout – Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL.
Executed 15 of 15 specs (2 FAILED) in 1 min 53 secs.
[07:23:36] I/launcher – 0 instance(s) of WebDriver still running
[07:23:36] I/launcher – chrome #01 failed 2 test(s)
[07:23:36] I/launcher – overall: 2 failed spec(s)
[07:23:36] E/launcher – Process exited with error code 1
How can I run my failed test scripts . Please help me on this
I got the solution it works fine .
My failed test scripts are running 2 times but one question it states no specs defined so rerunnig all specs again .
All specs are running how can i run only failed specs. Please help me on that
Wim Selles
This link might help you https://github.com/NickTomlin/protractor-flake/issues/68#issuecomment-323233854